π “Tacos, Tarot, and Murder”, the sixth installment in the Silver Circle Cat Rescue Mysteries, was released in April! In this delightful tale, Ellie and Evie Rockwell found themselves caught up in a murderous Cinco de Mayo celebration, where a mysterious Mexican hairless cat played a pivotal role. If you haven’t already, be sure to grab your copy and join the fiesta!
π Speaking of feline fun, we dropped “Fluffy, Flip Flops, and Foul Play”, the seventh book in the Silver Circle Cat Rescue Mysteries, just one month later in May. This lakefront mystery follows Ellie as she investigates the disappearance of a woman, guided by the clues left behind by a Scottish Fold kitten named Fluffy and a lone flip flop. It’s a page-turner you won’t want to miss!
π Our next release is July, when “Owl Shook Up”, the sixteenth installment in the Owl Star Witch Mysteries, takes flight. In this delectable tale, Astra and her sisters find Aunt Gwennie embroiled in a deadly cookie competition, where secrets, betrayal, and bewitching hijinks are sure to ensue.
Keep your eye out for the second Silver Circle 3-book bundle in e-book and audiobook!