Well, it’s been a locked down summer here at the Leeds casa. Mystic Guests audiobook is finally out, and I’m learning lots more about producing audiobooks. The first thing to learn? Everything happens very s-l-o-w-l-y.
Though it’s been “out” since August 11th, we’re still waiting on Amazon to join it with the Kindle book, and still waiting on the audiobook to be processed for whispersync. Kae and I worked hard to make sure the audiobook and Kindle book matched precisely, so we’re hoping it gets it’s sync-magic any day now.
The Angel in Demise audiobook has been submitted to ACX and will hopefully move on through the release process. Unfortunately, this one seems to be going a bit slower. Book 1 took only three days to get through Audio Review, but this one’s on Day 11 as I write this. Sketchy Charms is being produced as you read this.
The Greyt Escape is locked and loaded. It will be out in less than 30 days, and I’m 57% of the way through writing November’s Boozehounds and Ball Drops—which is turning out to be a real hoot to write.
I hope you’re all staying safe and socially distant!